What is “Love Light?” Daylight, peeking through an open window, can bathe a whole room in gorgeous white. Candlelight, soft and gentle, can be a girl’s best friend. Sunlight leaves freckles, and makes hair come aglow… but for the best photographs– you need to find your love light. Your love light, unlike my camera’s flash, comes from within. It may sound cheesy, but hey, every cliche is born for a reason. So how do you find this mysterious light? How can you reach for that cord and illuminate your love in your photos? Well, I am here to give you some tricks.
Remember why you are here. Maybe you are taking photographs to celebrate your engagement or maybe your big day is already here. Whatever milestone you are celebrating, it is important not to lose sight of that moment while we are together! Try to really focus on why you are taking the photographs, and soon you won’t be modeling– you will just be authentically realizing the moment you want to remember. That raw moment I see when my couples really share in the gravity of eternity together–that moment is when I see you bathed in that glorious love light! Whisper sweet nothings. Another one of my favorite tips for my couples is to try to think of some things that you would like to say privately to one another. Maybe you recount the first time you laid eyes on your love. Maybe you whisper your favorite thing about your partner. Even a simple “I love you” will do! Whisper these sweet nothings to each other during our shoot. The result is full of beautiful, candid reactions that light up the room, and best of all… what was said will be your little secret!

Try not to laugh. Trust me, I want the laugh. I want ALL the laughs. But let me ask you a question. Have you ever tried not to laugh? Have you ever been successful? This is the best tip I can give, especially for couples portraits. Try saying the silliest thing you can– in the most serious tone, (something like, “mmm… jelly donuts.”) make eye contact, and try NOT to laugh. I dare you. Why is this tip so important? Because when you genuinely laugh, I see you in love’s light, and darling, you look beautiful.