The home Carly and Scott got married at is a historian’s dream. There is so much rich history in Atlanta but to be able to share an intimate moment at a private estate and learn all about how long it had been there, how Dolly Parton shot a music video there, and so much more was definitely a highlight in my career.
I met Carly and Scott thanks to the 2020 craziness when their photographer thought she may have been sick and hired me as a backup. I’m grateful Carly and Scott were able to celebrate the day they had dreamt of and still have all their special moments captured.
The duo were both a joy to be around individually and together. It was easy to laugh with them, photograph them, and their families really bonded well!
Thankfully we had no worries of rain on their wedding day. It was beautiful, Spring weather. Everything flowed according to the plan. It was really easy to work with everyone who brought this special day together.

Carly and Scott, I am so grateful I got to meet you and be your photographer.