Engagement pictures are something almost every couple has done, but why? I am so excited to share my top 5 reasons to take engagement pictures.

- Get to know your photographer.
Engagement pictures are one of the best ways for us to get to know each other before your wedding. It’s like a two-hour meeting to talk about your wedding day and create a beautiful memory that’s a part of your story. You’ll be learning poses to save time on your wedding day. That means you get to go party faster!

- Get comfy with the camera.
Chances are this is the first time you will be in front of the camera as a couple. Engagement sessions allow for the perfect amount of time to loosen up and capture genuine moments. You’ll learn exactly what to expect for your wedding day.

- Get to know your fiance.
Engagement sessions help make connections with each other by using prompts. I’ll say, “Whisper three promises in your fiancé’s ear.” Then, I’ll capture your laughter as he says he promises to help do the dishes.

- A really fun date night!
This is one of the best parts of your engagement session, aside from creating lasting memories and beautiful images. You both are already dressed up, your hair is done, make-up is on point… make it a date and find a new interesting restaurant to try afterward!

- Memories.
As a visual storyteller, I love helping you create memories that capture the beginning of your story. When the moment is over the sweet memories are what you have left. Five years from now, when you reflect on your engagement you’ll have pictures to remember exactly how you felt.
I can’t wait to see what magic we create with a camera and the two of you! If you are ready to learn more click here and fill out the contact form!