Today is the day, your wedding gallery is ready. *Insert choir singing.* You have been patiently waiting while I’ve been hard at work. I’m almost as excited to share it as you are to view it! Seriously though, I am truly just as thrilled as you are to see your finished wedding gallery! Like most couples, you might feel like your day went by in a blur. Reliving the best day of your life through photos is one of the best ways to remember and celebrate the little moments sprinkled in the chaos. That’s why you invested in a professional wedding photographer! Here’s a secret that you might not know though; there’s actually a successful way to view your wedding gallery. So, welcome to “how to have a successful gallery viewing”.
First things first. Scroll through the gallery, change your profile picture, start sending screenshots… right? Maybe not, and here’s why. Going through your wedding gallery is a pretty big deal. You’ve probably been soaking up the last few months of marriage with the love of your life and finally you get to relive your special day from start to finish. The moments that brought tears to your eyes, uncontrollable laughter, and the special, secret moments that played into your whole day coming together. These photos will speak volumes and share stories our words couldn’t begin to explain. These are the photos that your grandkids will show their kids one day. These are the photos that will allow your love for one another live on. So yeah, I think this gallery deserves just a little more attention than any other galleries.
If you’re just as thrilled, but almost a bit nervous now, good. I’ve got you right where I want you! I wanted to create this blog to give you my best tips for having a successful gallery viewing. What do I mean by this? There are steps through viewing that allows you to not only see your gallery, but truly experience the day all over again. My goal is to reignite the same feelings of love, contentment, and pure joy that flooded in that day.Here are my steps on how to have a successful viewing.
First and foremost, make sure you and your spouse open and view your gallery together. This is a gallery for the two of you. You’ll experience your vows again, your first dance, and all the moments in between. You’ll watch your love’s face light up the moment your eyes met and you’ll remember the butterflies you felt. Here’s the best part, you’ll see all of the best moments of your day that flashed by in a blur, but you’ll also see the moments behind the scenes. Your groom tying his tie, your bride buckling her shoes, maybe a parents reaction as you walked down the aisle. Weddings are so overwhelmingly full of joy and memories, that it’s impossible to catch them all in the moment. But, when you look through your gallery, each one will be there.
My next tip, make the most of these moments together. Hello date night!! Order your favorite takeout or maybe some pizza. Go grab those fuzzy socks and light a candle. Make some hot cocoa, grab some blankets, and whatever you need to get comfy together.
Comfy? Good, because it’s time. My next tip is to mentally prepare. As silly as it sounds, recognize that we can all be our own harshest critics, right? Instead of wondering how you look in your dress or what your hair is doing before you’ve even opened up your gallery, I want you to hold off on those thoughts. Take yourself back to your wedding day. Remember the joy you felt! Okay, now you’re ready.
Gallery time! Now enjoy seeing your photos! Then, view it again. And again. And one more time for good measure. The first time, just look through at any natural pace that comes to you. You can scroll quickly or really take in each photo, whatever comes to you first. Once you view the whole gallery, go back and look again, but with a different eye! Look for specific photos you want to favorite or share with your friends and family. Then go through again and note which ones you’d love to print in an album! You’ll find new favorite photos each time you go through.
Once you’ve selected your favorites, share your gallery with friends and family! You can even download a few favorites you have with any specific people to share with them, along with the full gallery link. I guarantee your loved ones will be anxiously awaiting the photos you have to share.
Last but not least, take your list of favorite photos and order prints! There is just something extra magical and nostalgic about holding these special moments in your hands. Photos weren’t just meant to live in the digital world. They are meant to be seen daily. To be loved and viewed by those around us. Waking up to memories hanging on the bedroom wall just completely changes the gratitude I feel in the morning.
It’s so important to know how to have a successful gallery viewing, because it truly changes the way we celebrate photos and memories! A fun bonus tip is to view your wedding gallery together each year on your anniversary! Like wine, your photos will just keep getting better with age.